Book of jasher full text
Book of jasher full text

book of jasher full text book of jasher full text

The magnificent and unequalled remains of the arts in Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, Palestine, and Persia, have, from time to time, been visited and explored and it has been amidst these fallen monuments of human grandeur, that the adventurous and enlightened traveler has found himself amply rewarded for his laborious and hazardous undertak- ings for amidst these wrecks of human greatness, he has succeeded in gather- ing ample evidence, in confirmation of many of the most important truths re- corded in sacred history. to inquire into the various states of knowledge, and of the arts, as they existed in times anterior to the Christian era animated with these noble and elevated views, a considerable number of individuals, greatly distinguished for their genius and learning, have in succession turned their attention to the East-to those celebrated countries, in which the arts of civilization and the lights of science first dawned upon, en- lightened, and embellished human society. THE age in which we live has been, and continues to be, particularly dis tinguished by a laudable desire in the minds of men.

Book of jasher full text